We’ve had Black Friday and Cyber Monday – did you cope? Get ready for 2018!

For many retailers, this is by far the busiest time of the year. While many people still enjoy the delights of Christmas shopping, seeing the decorations and browsing the Christmas markets, it’s also true that many of us also rely on online retailers, simply because of the convenience and the special offers that we can find.

Behind the scenes though, there is a complex network of logistics and communication, to ensure that customer orders are processed and that their enquiries are dealt with smoothly. Not only does this require coordination on the order side, it requires close management on the delivery side. And, customers need to be updated regarding the progress of orders and scheduled delivery times.

For retailers, this is a sensitive time. Much of your business may be crammed into a short and urgent period, so it’s critical that you get it right. You must be able to take enquiries, manage communication with customers effectively and ensure that your distribution is seamless. Failure to get this right can lead to a poor experience and customer dissatisfaction, which means your customers may not return for their next order.

That’s why an effective contact center is critical. You need to be sure that you process all enquiries, across multiple channels and can provide the updates that your customers expect. We enable you to seamlessly manage all communications and provide deep integration possibilities with your logistics and delivery systems.

If something caused service disruption this year, then perhaps it’s time to think ahead and make sure you’re ready for the rush in 2019. We know you’re probably looking forward to the festive break, but if you have time, why not find out how jtel has helped a leading e-commerce and online retailer ensure operational effectiveness and deliver outstanding customer satisfaction?

Read our case study to see how jtel’s contact center expertise helped Chal-Tec deliver!

Adaptation to your needs – one size doesn’t fit all

As we reach the end of our 20th year of operations, we can look back on many achievements. Some of these are technical – we’re proud of the performance and reliability we deliver – but others are more cultural. At jtel, it’s axiomatic that we can make things work. Time and time again we find that we are called in to replace inflexible solutions that cannot adapt to changing business needs.

Because we are an agile company, it’s much easier for us to take extra steps to ensure that we deliver not only functionality but a solution that is optimised for the individual circumstances of each customer. We view each deployment individually, allowing us to really understand what our customers are trying to achieve and what their problems really are. In some cases, these may not even be problems that they know. We use a comprehensive, proven process to define problems and performance indicators, revealing key insights which ensure we deliver what you need and identify and solve problems that may not have been apparent.

That’s why adaptability is at the heart of what we do – and why working with jtel means that you benefit from both market-leading functionality as well as a deeper personal touch. We know that one size doesn’t fit all, so if you need to enhance your customer communications, whether it’s with a new contact center, advanced, customisable IVR or something else, you should talk to us.

Are you coming to Call Center World? Meet jtel in Berlin

Differentiate your offer, so you can delight your customers

Call Center World is the most important event in the European contact center industry, bringing more than 8000 visitors to Berlin for a packed conference agenda and an exciting range of exhibitors, including the jtel team.

We’re highlighting our latest innovations and customer stories, showing you how you can capitalise on advanced, omnichannel call center capabilities, proven across a wide range of industry segments. Our customer interaction solutions are optimised for organisations that need to deliver exceptional service.

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Omni channel online chat

Omni-channel is another buzzword, but what does it mean today, as more and more companies deliver web chat capabilities? How can you ensure that web chat sessions are fully integrated with your Contact Center?

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